
I hate.

I just spent about an hour writing a blog about the entire Deftones catalogue. That blog has ceased to exist, all blame belonging to CSULB's goddamn wireless internet. Basically I went to post the blog once finished, but the internet had apparently dropped out at some point during the writing process, so it required me to log back in to the wireless network. Once re-logged in to the stupid shit, Blogger was all errored up as a result, and the aforementioned Deftones blog was *poof* gone.

Yeah, I should have saved. Shut up.

Essentially, I love Adrenaline, Around the Fur rocks, White Pony is, on the whole, the ultimate Deftones album, Deftones is a good album but dissapointing (probably) as a result of the fan backlash to the atmosphere/abience of White Pony (they practically did away with such things, except for a few songs), and what I've heard of Saturday Night Wrist is excellent. I got a lot deeper than that, even providing links to info for each album, but now I don't quite care as much. So there you go.

I even threw in an amusing reference to my burning love of Jared Leto, but I guess you, reader, miss out for now. Maybe later.

Well hopefully I'll get a better blog up tonight. Till then.

Oh yeah, Anne Coulter is a whore and I blame this on her. Thank you for your time.

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