
Addiction v2.0

I was just thinking about how everybody was arguing over the whole "under God" portion of the National Anthem. One side wanted it removed to promote the whole separation of church and state thing, the other half wanted it kept in the anthem and the damned dirty heretics burned at the stake.

Well, I came up with a solution. Instead of removing "under God" from the National Anthem, we can simply change the word "God" to something else that we all live under in America. After much mental agony on my part, I decided that "Booze" would be an appropriate substitute. Booze, more than anything else, is America's favorite addiction and pastime. And at this point we've all heard about the secret lives of all the right wing uber-conservative Christian leaders, heroine and gay prostitutes and all, so I'm sure they wouldn't raise too much of a fuss.

If nothing else, that Catholics would be happy.

Speaking of booze, that is exactly why I'm writing right now as opposed to last night. Particularly, Carolan's Irish Cream Liqueur. Specifically, about 85% of a bottle of said liqueur.

No hangover though. Slept till about noon, so I'm good. I'll probably be on my way to Starbucks pretty soon to get a GRANDE cafe mocha, or maybe a pumpkin spice latte. Those are nice.

Well I'm going to go eat and indulge one of the two addictions just mentioned. Two of three, if you count food. I love food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Irish Cream Liqueur?! That's nice over ice, or even better in coffee!! But USUALLY, when one partakes of the Irish Cream, it is one, maybe two, glasses - - not 85% of a bottle ... :)