
This blog has gotten progressively bitchier


My return home has been delayed again, aggravating me quite a bit. It's only by a day this time though, so I'll live.

I'm DYING to get back to LB though.

I started working on a new song tonight that I think is going to be mightily awesome, if I can get my lyricy-ness to stop focusing on a single topic. Recently (see: past 3 months) almost every lyrical scrap I've written has revolved around a certain situation I was in a few years back, and while the songs were originally varied in their take on the situation, more recent ones have simply been what can essentially be dubbed rewrites o the same thing.

Obviously, this is a poor scenario.

But as I was writing that part I was slapped upside the head by inspiration, so I think I might have solved the problem AND ensured the might of the aforementioned new song.

So that's that, I guess.

I've been listening to Imogen Heap's most recent album, Speak For Yourself lately, and I must say I enjoy it mightily (word of the day: any derivation of "might," spontaneously invented or otherwise). It's... quirky? Very melodic, great vocals, rather original piece of work.

Of course, I could be talking out of my ass on that last part; for all I know she ripped off some unheard-of-by-me indie chick and some indie-elitist fuckhead is going to psychically sodomize me for saying otherwise. Oh well.

Speaking of sodomy, I dowloaded the Marquis de Sade's book The 120 Days of Sodom, which is probably the most disturbing work of art in any form that I've had the pleasure to enjoy. Check it out, kids.

In other news, I'm burnt out on porn and I need a cigarette. Those two things are entirely unrelated, thank you very much.

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