I conceived this entry at about 4AM this morning, right after I went to bed, but was too cozy and inebriated to drag my ass out from under the covers and write it. What this means is that this entry will be significantly crappier than it might have been otherwise.
Very recently, I pissed off a very close friend of mine, who is currently not speaking to me as a result. He and I had been planning on getting an apartment together, because he wanted to move out of his dad's house and I'm still staying with friends post-breakup. Originally, we'd picked a date that we'd like to at least have an IDEA of where to live by, if not actually moving by that date. He had wanted to do it a tad earlier, but there was no way I was going to be able to swing it.
What wound up happening is that I unexpectedly came into a significant amount of money (by my standards, at least), and was therefore rendered able to move right then and there. I was stoked! I knew my friend already had the money, so I assumed that we'd jump right on this thing and get it done ASAP. This was not to be. I found a couple of places on Craigslist, then he came over so we could talk and look at some of them. Turns out he now wanted to push back our approximate moving date. Although he definitely had the money to make the move happen, he was unsure about some possible near-future expenses.
This set off some alarm bells for me. I mean, I'm not ACTUALLY living where I'm staying. I'm here by the grace of some exceptionally generous friends, and I'd told them when I moved in that I'd be out by the beginning of April. I NEED to move, and I need to move quick. My friend, on the other hand, lives with his father, and has no such deadline. He has a home, I do not.
After he left that night I jumped right back on Craigslist to look for studios/singles/something cheap I could handle myself. I found one that seemed absolutely perfect, and the next day went straight over to check it out. The following day, I turned in the application, and informed my friend, who was LIVID. Not a happy camper, by any means.
I can definitely understand his perspective. I bailed on him, with no warning. Kind of a dick move. But you know what it comes down to? He has a home, I do not.
Sometimes, you have to do things that are less than pleasant to achieve a desired and/or necessary end. You have to be ruthless. Cold. Unflinching. And it's hard. But that's life, kids. If you don't look out for your best interests, there's a definite possibility that no one else will. Then you're just... stuck. Fucked. Up shit creek, with only your hands for paddles.
Life comes at you with situations that demand an aggressive approach. And you might not be used to acting aggressively. But when these things happen, you've just gotta pull your balls out, lay them on the table, look life dead and the eye, and say "You see these? These are my balls. Get the fuck out of my way, before I bludgeon you to death with them." (For additional vulgar humor on the topic, see entry titled "Because Flaccid Confidence Just Doesn't Cut It," dated 3.12.09)
I'm sorry I was kind of a dick to my friend. Sometime's I'm a dick on accident, sometimes on purpose, but sometimes it's just because I HAVE to be.
We'll see how this goes.
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1 comment:
It's not like your friend didn't leave you up the creek with no paddles. Surely he was aware of your situation, your deadline, and he assumed that you could bend your situation to his needs. This was not the case and was a silly, selfish assumption.
With that said, you probably should have mentioned your plans prior to going through with them. Not to change them for him - but as a courtesy notification.
We choose to do what we do because we have to. Like we choose to be happy or sad. C'est la vie. C'est le glaque vie.
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