
It just never came up!

I've realized that I have no idea how to talk to women. I don't mean in a casual, conversational situation or whatnot; a significant percentage of my closest friends have always been women, I grew up with living with my mother and my sister, etc. I'm perfectly comfortable with women in almost every situation I can think of, more so than the majority of men my age. But it's that one scenario, that introduction, that gets me. If I have no interest in the woman romantically, I have no problem striking up a conversation if it's a socially appropriate scenario. If I do wind up in conversation with a woman I AM interested, that's cool too. No problems, no worries, just see where it goes. BUT

If I'm out, or at work, or whatever, and I see a beautiful woman who also could be very interesting, I have no idea how to start up a conversation that does not sound like a cheeseball sitcom scenario. I know all the opening lines, but I can't bear to say them. Because they always sound too contrived in my head. When I think of approaching an attractive, interesting woman and asking where she's from or something similar, I hear Ryan Reynolds delivering the lines. And that's not good.

The problem is that I've never had to do that. I know that sounds egotistical, but it's not. It's not that I've always had women falling all over me; it's because I've gone from one long-term relationship to another over the last six years. I've had three serious relationships over the last six years, and they were all pretty much back-to-back. Granted, this last one and I broke up a grand total of three times, but the first two I wasn't interested in pursuing other women at all, I just wanted to die. I did get involved with someone the second time, but that was a totally retarded scenario (because I'm an idiot) and I don't want to talk about it. ANYWAY

Those three relationships also didn't start with a random meeting. They started because of a common prolonged scenario- school, school, and work, respectively. They just kind of happened after a while. But APPARENTLY some people actually approach strangers with the intent of getting involved with them in some way. And I'm finally understanding the need or the desire to do that; I just don't understand the execution quite yet. This, clearly, is irritating.*

So... I feel kind of behind the curve.

Another issue with these types of scenarios is jail. Essentially, if you are a 21 year old male in the year 2009, can be difficult for you to accurately judge the correct age of a girl anywhere between 16 and 22. Because, to the great dismay of many a parent, girls are maturing much younger nowadays. And they do their best to appear to be over 18. This, friends, is a problem. A girl could be 22, but look 16... so you don't go for it. Or a girl could be 16 and look 21... then daddy kills you. But you can't really introduce yourself and be like, "Can I see some ID?"


*Also, I've had this obnoxious ringing in my left ear all day, and that is quite irritating. If I wake up dead tomorrow I'm gonna be pissed.


Unknown said...

Well hey, at least you can actually approach people. I, on the other hand, find it extremely difficult to approach anyone for a conversation. Lucky you.

Also, I find that it should be perfectly legitimate to ask for ID, there has to be some way to avoid those youngsters! (Well, I bet if you listened to them for about 3 minutes you could guess their age pretty accurately).

I'm still worried about my girls turning into teenagers....


I'm going to need to buy a couple guns, a gun rack, and a bat. lol

Cory Osterhout said...

fun uncle cory will eviscerate any silly boys who attempt to deflower your daughters. yay for evisceration!