
Better Late Than Never

Today I become the 2455877678764556th blogger to write about this video since it was released on Valentine's Day this year. I suppose it's okay though because Jessica Cutler only just wrote about it on the 9th of this month, and she's my hero.

Samwell is a freaking genius. I mean, that guy has some massive cojones. It's one thing for a straight girl or guy to sing about sex and be that explicit about it, but for a gay man to do a song called "What What (In the Butt)" is damned ballsy. The song and the video are hilarious as all hell too, yet another testament to his ballsy-ness. Not only is he totally fine with singing about buttsex to millions of YouTube browsers (quickly followed by the viewers of MSNBC and VH1, etc etc), but he can be FUNNY about it. It's like... a sincere parody? Or something. But it rocks, whatever it is.

Props to Samwell.

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